How Effective is Hair Loss Medication
As we grow older, we become more aware of certain things about ourselves that we used to not have to so much as blink an eye at: “Is my stomach getting larger?” “What is the deal with the bags around my eyes?” And, for many men, “My hairline does not seem to be where it … Continue reading
How To Treat Alopecia Areata
Some people can be seen intentionally doing the bald look as some type of “fashion style”, more than likely because they know their hair will grow back. But for a good number of people especially men who are 30 and older, going bald can be a real nightmare. This nightmare might have begun since childhood … Continue reading
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is a popular procedure for men and women alike, providing a solution for permanent hair loss. When other methods have failed and artificial hair is not a favorable option, a hair transplant can restore a person’s full head of hair. Hair Transplantation: How Does it Work? Hair transplantation is a medical procedure that … Continue reading
Three awesome bold actors
To be successful one needs only extraordinary qualities and the look of a person is hardly a hindrance. At least the famous bald actors of Hollywood teach us that lesson. They prove the fact that guys with almost no hair are more swagger and more powerful. The article describes how the three popular bald actors … Continue reading
Causes and Curative Measures of Hair Loss
Hair loss is part of the natural renewal process of the body where new growth occurs in the place of the fallen hair. But they are various conditions which hasten this process. For instance, fast hair loss may be caused by hormonal changes as in the case of pregnancy or child birth and in some … Continue reading
Alopecia is a medical term for hair loss leaving partially or completely bare skin. Baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss. It affects mostly men. It is a natural phenomenon strongly determined by heredity. Other forms of alopecia can result from an health problem or be caused by medications, for … Continue reading
Hello world!
When it comes to male hair loss, male pattern baldness is what the majority faces today and at times, this may affect the female population as well. For many, it starts from teenage years and for the others it happens after 20s or even 30s depending on susceptibility factors. At first, the problem is taken … Continue reading