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Causes and Curative Measures of Hair Loss

Posted by on July 22, 2013

Hair loss is part of the natural renewal process of the body where new growth occurs in the place of the fallen hair. But they are various conditions which hasten this process.

For instance, fast hair loss may be caused by hormonal changes as in the case of pregnancy or child birth and in some cases, this occurs when one stops using the pill. The condition is only temporary because once the hormonal levels stabilize, the hair loss stops. A recent research was done on hormone levels in male and female patients who were experiencing serious hair loss and it pointed towards an intricate relation between thyroid and sex hormones which may lead to this disorder.

Stress is an additional factor related to hair loss and although it has not been conclusively proved, emotional disturbance has been loosely linked to hair loss but minor strains and concerns may possibly have the same effect. A woman’s hair may fall due to strains put on her body. An example of this is crash dieting whereby a woman sheds off a considerable amount of weight quickly; this can result in hair loss as well. Stress is often transitory and when its cause is cleared up, the ensuing hair loss should also stop.

The female-pattern hair loss

As women advance in age, their hair normally thins out but the effects are less dramatic than they are for most of the men. This can be seen if you compare your grandmothers’ hair to that of your grandfather- who might not even have any. Hair loss in women tends to be similar to men’s except for some significant variance. The hair loss age bracket is the same; a small number of both sexes start losing hair as early as in their twenties.

However, most of them are unaware of the changes until they reach their mid-thirties or forties. In the case of women, the hair loss is a uniform overall thinning while for the men’s hair loss the hairline recedes and in some cases result in balding at the crown of the head. The female-pattern hair loss is the process in which women lose hair at the hairline as well as on the crown.

When should one be concerned?

Hair loss may be temporary, but when a disorder known as alopecia areata sets in, it becomes a serious matter. This is characterized by irregular loss of hair and in case a woman has this symptom, she should visit a dermatologist. In order to slow or check hair loss, corticosteroids are in most cases prescribed.

Hair loss is said to be often hereditary with about 50% of women being affected. But just as long as it is not sudden, serious, sporadic or resulting from physical or emotional strains, it may be regarded as a normal maturing process.


A very large number of people would like to either reverse or stop their balding. If a woman opts for a medical approach, she will be able to obtain better results if she takes action faster. One of the most popular cures is Rogaine (minoxidil). However, about 20% of the patients have the regular hair re-growth while about 40% have a thinner and shorter hair re-growth akin to ‘peach fuzz’ and the growth will only last for the period the person keeps on using it.

Merck is testing a fresh drug known as Propecia on post-menopausal women. It blocks the testosterone’s conversions into an interrelated hormone referred to as dihydrotestosterone which causes the hair follicles to contract. Its success rate in men is the same as Rogaine and the hair re-growth comes to a halt once the usage of the drug is stopped. It has not been determined if it will be effective with the hormone profile of women. Also, pregnant women are prohibited from using this drug as it can cause birth flaws in male foetuses’ genital and urinary organs.

The main hair transplants methods take big portions of the scalp and hair from dense parts and relocate them to bald areas. However, this does not take care of the women’s characteristic situation. But the latest micrograft hair transplant methods have made this a feasible alternative for an overall thinning pattern of the woman.

Most women can do without seeking the medical remedy for this problem since there are numerous hair products which they can use to manage hair loss. They include mousses, gels, wigs and extensions and they tend to offer better results at affordable costs and with little trouble.

For years, many people have been seeking for a remedy for baldness but unfortunately no discovery has been made yet. However, in the past few years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have approved minoxidil and finasteride. Besides, there are other products numbering in thousands, medications and prevention methods for hair loss which makes this industry very lucrative.

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